Video Astronomy

Video Astronomy Community

The Video Astronomy Community
Online Forums are a great way to contact others interested in Video Astronomy. Most Forums require membership registration, but a majority of Forums allow visitors to read the information posted by members without registering.
But to be involved by contributing and asking questions, simply become a member.
Video Astronomy Forums

Online Groups are catered for by sites like Yahoo, Facebook, Google, Meetup, etc.
There are only a few Groups established so far, but they are quite active and worth getting involved with.
Most have Image Galleries showing what particular cameras are capable of, Technical files and Resources, and links to even more assistance
Online Groups
'Live' Video Broadcasting
Choose to watch a 'Live' Broadcast or become a Broadcaster yourself.
There are several Live Video Broadcast websites.
Broadcasting websites have complete instructions how to set up as a Broadcaster so you can bring your skies to the world, 'Live'.
Link - Night Skies Network
Link - Video Astronomy Live
Link - AstronomyLive
Night Skies Network
Video Astronomy Live
Video Astronomy Websites
I have kept the technical details and Product Reviews out of this website. This site's aim is to introduce you to the basics of Video Astronomy.
There are other websites that give detailed information on specific cameras, Telescopes, Video software, etc.
This sites purpose is to attempt to bring a lot of information from all over the internet to this one place for easy access.
In that sense, here are other websites that discuss different aspects of Video Astronomy.

Click on the webpage to go to that site
Shevill Mathers from Tasmania, Australia details his experience in Video Astronomy spanning several decades, including information about equipment and imaging
Rod Mollise openly discusses his experiences over many years of Video Astronomy
Written and presented by Curtis V. Macchioni & Nico V. Macchioni
A very helpful instructional PDF presentation for beginners and experienced Video Astronomers covering many aspects of Video Astronomy .
Using the Samsung SDC-435 (SCB-2000) video camera for astronomy by Steve Wainwright
Martin Ferlito in Sydney, Australia shows his equipment and images
Steve Wainwrights website using the Samsung SDC-435 (SCB-2000) video camera for astronomy
Steve Massey's Video Astronomy Website covers quite a lot of aspects of Video Astronomy
Rony De Laet gives an insight into his Video experimentation using a Meade ETX 105 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope with a watec 120N Mono camera
The Southern California Desert Video Astronomers website
The SCDVA project the night skies onto large screens using Video Astronomy equipment