Video Astronomy


These are the Galleries of Video Astronomers around the World using a variety of Cameras, Telescopes, Filters, Focal Reducers etc. Where possible the equipment information is given.
They are mostly Screen Grabs directly from 'Live' observing sessions or online Broadcasts with no post-processing to show what these cameras are capable of.

Tom (SoIN) USA (17 photos)
These Screen Grabs are from Tom's 'Live' broadcast on Night Skies Network.
Tom is using a Mallincam Xtreme X2 in an 11" SCT telescope at f5 and a Hyperstar at f2
(Photos Published with permission by owner)
Don Lulejian (Warwick, PA) USA (75 photos)

These Screen Grabs are from Don's 'Live' views.
Some of the equipment Don is using: Mallincam Xtreme X2,
Mallincam Solar System Imager (SSIc), Stellacam 3 (Mono)
in Celestron C80ED, Celestron C8 at f5 and at f3.3 using a Optec .33x FR,
Idas P2 LPS filter, Lumicon Night Sky filter
(Photos Published with permission by owner)
Chris - Glasgow, Scotland (8 photos)

These Screen Grabs are from Chris in Scotland using a Samsung SCB-2000 camera.
Scope is LX90 8" SCT with a 0.5 Focal Reducer and Filter is Baaer Neodymium
(Photos Published with permission by owner)
Carl Reade - Antrim, Northern Ireland (6 photos)

These Images are from Carl in Antrim using a Samsung SCB-2000 camera.
The Telescope is a Skywatcher 150p on an EQ3/2 Pro Mount. No Filters used.
Andromeda Galaxy was with SCB-2000 and a 130mm SLR lens
(Photos Published with permission by owner)

Ken James - Snake Valley, Australia (19 photos)
These Screen Grabs are from Ken's 'Live' broadcast on Night Skies Network.
Ken is using a Mallincam Xtreme in an ED80 Refractor Telescope
with a 0.7x Focal Reducer and a 6" f5 Achromat with a 0.75x Telecompressor. No Filters
(Photos published with permission by owner)