6" (150mm) f/5 Skywatcher Achromat
These Screen Grabs are directly from the Computer Monitor without any further post-processing when using a Mallincam Xtreme in a Skywatcher 6 inch (150mm) f/5 Achromat Refractor with an assortment of Focal Reducers.
Some will have an Astronomiks IR/UV cut filter, a Yellow # 12 filter or a Minus Violet filter used.
Integration times vary and different results are acheived with different Moon Phases causing more or less light pollution from Moon glow.
The views are tweaked 'on-the-fly' in the video capture software to make them look as good as possible when viewed Live using the Mallincam Xtreme. None of the images have any Post-Processing done to them. They show exactly what the camera and capture software show on the screen 'Live'.
Click on the images to view them.
Due to the nature of Achromat Telescopes, bright stars and other bright objects give off a Violet halo. This can be reduced by using a Minus Violet Filter, a Yellow Filter or a 'Fringe Killer' Filter. The below images are a mix of different filters, and in all the images there is an IR/UV filter used to prevent star bloat.
MOST RECENT IMAGES from the 6" (150mm)
using 'Miloslick' Video Astronomy capture software
and Wratten Filter #12 Deep Yellow to remove Chromatic Aberrations & Violet Fringing caused by Achromats
This first group are with my Home-made 0.58x Focal Reducer
This second group are with an
Astro-Physics 2.7 inch 0.7x Telecompressor (Focal Reducer-Flattener)
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