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MEADE SN10 - 10" f/4 Schmidt-Newtonian Astrograph
These Screen Grabs are directly from the Computer Monitor without any further post-processing when using a Mallincam Xtreme in a
MEADE SN10 f/4 Schmidt-Newtonian.
Some images may have an Astronomiks IR/UV cut filter or a Focal Reducer. Each image should inform of the equipment used.
Integration times vary and different results are acheived with different Moon Phases causing more or less light pollution from Moon glow.
The views are tweaked 'on-the-fly' in the video capture software to make them look as good as possible when viewed Live using the Mallincam Xtreme. None of the images have any Post-Processing done to them. They show exactly what the camera and capture software show on the screen 'Live'.
Click on the images to view them.
IMAGES from the MEADE SN10
Screen Grabs from my 'Night Skies Network' Broadcast - 16 May 2015
Focal Reducer is front half of a Mallincam MFR-5
and Astronomik UV/IR 'L' Filter
using 'Miloslick' Video Astronomy capture software
Thin Fog and -2c Temperature
These are the images from my first attempt with the Meade SN10
with Astronomik UV/IR 'L' Filter and 0.58x Focal Reducer
using 'Miloslick' Video Astronomy capture software
82% Waxing Gibbous Moon
Collimation was slightly out and the 0.58x Focal Reducer introduced Coma
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